Goodbye 2022 (#19)
In this last week of 2022, team Avinya has continued to be a busy colony of bees. Our wonderful Educator team has been reaching out to students who have applied and processing their applications. We continue to have the pleasure of meeting our prospective new students at interviews down in Bandaragama. Our new school building is taking shape and coming together beautifully and our brilliant technology team is continuing to work hard on our new academic management system. On the operations side, we’ve been continuing to work on uniforms, essential procurement and setting up of our new Academy. The official launch is now less than a month away. All of us are pressing full steam ahead to have the first Avinya Academy in Bandaragama personify itself into a beacon of hope that it is. This project if not anything has taught us all one thing - nothing is impossible, if you believe (and work like a crazy colony of bees ;)) On a more nostalgic note, I thought of spending some time on our l...